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Homeowner Tax Protection Coalition

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The Homeowner Tax  Protection Coalition is the leading organization in San Bernardino County committed to protecting homeowners and taxpayers by supporting candidates dedicated to pro-free enterprise principles, pro-veteran agendas, and responsible municipal budgets. We oppose higher taxes and fees.  


Through active advocacy, education, and our extensive people-driven movement , the Coalition is dedicated to electing fiscally mindful candidates who put the taxpayer first and are not beholden to politics as usual or party bosses. We don’t care which party you belong , democratic, Republican or neither. 


We strongly stand for California’s Proposition 13. Prop 13 is the landmark people’s initiative Limiting reassessments to when the property changes ownership, as well as requiring a 2/3 majority for tax increases in the state legislature. Statewide. Prop 13 saves homeowners millions of dollars annually. 


In summary, we are local residents who want to see San Bernardino county thrive and reach its maximum potential. 

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California's Landmark Proposition 13

Estimating the total amount of property taxes saved by California taxpayers since the passage of Proposition 13 in 1978 is challenging due to the complex nature of property assessments and tax rates. However, various studies and estimates over the years have provided some insights.


Proposition 13, passed in 1978, capped property tax rates at 1% of the property's assessed value and limited the annual increase in assessed value to 2%, unless the property was sold or underwent significant improvements. Prior to Proposition 13, property tax rates were much higher, often averaging around 2.6%.


Estimates of the cumulative tax savings vary widely, but some studies suggest that California property owners have saved hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars in property taxes over the decades since Proposition 13's passage.


For example, in 2018, on the 40th anniversary of Proposition 13, some reports suggested that the total savings could be in the range of $500 billion to $1 trillion. These estimates are based on the difference between what property taxes would have been without Proposition 13 and what they have been under the measure's constraints.


To get a more precise figure, a detailed analysis would be required, taking into account property value appreciation, tax rate fluctuations, and demographic changes over the years.


How much in property taxes has been saved by California taxpayers since calif voters approved prop 13?

As of recent estimates, California taxpayers save approximately $50 billion to $60 billion annually due to Proposition 13. This savings comes from the significant difference between what property taxes would be under a market-value-based assessment system and what they actually are under Prop 13’s 1% cap and the limited annual increase in assessed value.


This figure can fluctuate depending on the real estate market and economic conditions, but the savings remain substantial for both residential and commercial property owners across the state.


This is why Prop 13 matters. That’s why we only endorse candidates committed to upholding the groundbreaking initiative’s key provisions that safeguard homeowners. 


How much is it estimated that taxpayers save annual now due to prop 13?


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Prior to Proposition 13, property taxes were out of control. The tax rate throughout California averaged almost 3% of market value, and there were no limits on increases either for the tax rate or property value assessments. Some properties were reassessed 50% to 100% higher in just one year, so their owners' tax bills skyrocketed, often beyond the homeowners' ability to pay their property taxes!

  • Under the tax-cut measure, the property tax rate is set at a uniform 1% throughout the state, and property tax increases are limited to no more than 2% a year as long as the property is not sold.

    Once sold, the property is reassessed at 1% of the new market value (usually the sales price) with the same 2% cap on annual tax increases. As a result, new buyers are always aware of what their taxes will be and know the maximum amount property taxes can increase each year for as long as they own the property.

  • Prior to the passage of Proposition 13, real property was appraised annually at its current market value, and there was no limitation on the tax rate that counties could apply.

  • Proposition 13 also gives new homeowners long-term security by providing predictability in taxes. It establishes a uniform statewide property tax rate of 1%, with a 2% cap on future annual property tax increases. New buyers know exactly what their taxes will be next year, in five years, and in 30 years “” reassuring information for those who plan to live in their homes when they retire.

  • While Proposition 13 has become synonymous with property tax limits, it is a complete package designed to check arbitrary tax increases at the state and local level. Proposition 13 requires a two-thirds vote of the Legislature to increase state taxes, and, supplemented by Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association–sponsored Proposition 218, the Right to Vote on Taxes Act, it requires voter approval of all new local taxes.


    Additionally, renters benefit because Proposition 13 makes property taxes predictable and stable, which reduces upward pressure on rent increases.

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Protect Your Home, Protect Your Future

Stand with the Homeowner Tax Protection Coalition to keep taxes low and protect San Bernardino County families. Vote YES on Proposition 13 to secure fair property taxes and a prosperous future for all homeowners.

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